The Prisoner Appreciation Society
Six of One - formed in 1977

2025 - Six of One 48th birthday (began Sixth of First 1977)
Hon Pres Patrick McGoohan (1977-2009)

Visit the Membership Webpage at:

JOIN the society - get our full-color magazine
- and be able to attend our Convention in The Village!

The most unique TV fan gathering in the world! 

Merchandise Website:


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2024 CONVENTION IMAGES are now at
(previous Convention years are also at that site).



Patrick McGoohan’s rare screenplay, written by the actor for a planned cinema film in the mid to late 1990s, intended to be shot in Portmeirion. Now with the permission of the Patrick McGoohan estate, the screenplay is reproduced in full, together with the whole story behind the project. The scenes are analysed, together with comparisons of the 1960s ‘Prisoner’ episodes scripted by McGoohan, plus a variety of images. The concept and history provide a compelling story which will appeal to all ‘Prisoner’ and McGoohan admirers.


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BRUCE A. CLARK started this website in 1997, the society's first one. The site has now been updated a little, but the rest of the content below this panel has been left as it was, at the time Bruce last uploaded it, in the summer of 2019, when he sadly passed. Some older content and links lower down are now out of date.

Our North American coordinator for 36 years was a lifelong fan of Patrick McGoohan and had contact with the actor over many years, also sending him all of the society mailings. He enjoyed collecting material and memorabilia about Danger Man/Secret Agent and The Prisoner. He also attended some of the society's conventions in Portmeirion, North Wales. Bruce was responsible for finding the 'alternative' Arrival and The Chimes of Big Ben episodes. He also worked with US companies on releases of video and DVD products, including writing liner notes. Bruce was an enthusiastic supporter of Prisoner appreciation and made many friends over the years around the world. He also wrote articles for Six of One's mailings and is much missed by all who knew him. Opposite: Bruce summer 2019 and in 1986 in Portmeirion, being interviewed for a German documentary.

Catherine McGoohan wrote: "Bruce and I exchanged emails after my father passed away. I know Bruce was dedicated to the society and getting the word out to fans. My daughter Sarah also met with Bruce and added that he was one of the kindest people she ever met. He was so committed to the history of her grandfather and it was an important passion for him.” Catherine's message is reproduced with kind permission.

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               New 2019 novel. Click on photo to order.


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2017 revised and updated Patrick McGoohan biography. With new foreword by Catherine McGoohan and contributions, plus new photos (previous foreword by Peter Falk is included). It is now 10 years since the 2007 first edition, and the new book covers the period after that, the actor's passing in 2009 and the years up to the present time, his legacy. The contents are up to August 2017, in time for the 50th anniversary of the first screening of "The Prisoner" in Canada on 5th September, 1967 and the British one on 29th. The book cover has the same dimensions as the now out of print first edition. The new edition is available from

Prices including UK postage and Air Mail outside UK:

£11.99 UK,  £15.99 Europe,  £18.49 North America and Rest of World.



2017 Special Convention Guest: Christopher Benjamin

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50 YEARS OF “THE PRISONER” by Roger Langley


210 pages, abundantly illustrated, with unpublished photos - including a special tribute to the actor and a full chronicle of his once in a lifetime production. The complete history of “The Prisoner”, covering each year’s events throughout five decades, up to the present time and looking ahead to the worldwide 50th anniversary premieres next year onwards. New information, giving an in-depth look for the first time at the series’ story, from its inception, through the production years, plus its journey around the world spanning half a century. Comments, interviews, accounts and an extensive overview of TV’s greatest and enduring creation.

Available from

£6.99 + 99pp UK - £11.99 and £13.99 Europe and ROW including Air Mail postage.

Our Special Guest for the 2016 Convention in Portmeirion was

Denise Buckley from "Dance of the Dead"

Previous Special Guests have included Derren Nesbitt at our Convention in Portmeirion!


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Click on above for further details.

SpyVibe:  For Your Shelf Only interview


New Escape merchandise webpages - click here

JOIN the society!

Current members can RENEW at this link.





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"The Making of The Prisoner" is a revised and expanded book incorporating the previous edition which was entitled "The Prisoner in Portmeirion." Patrick McGoohan described the original version as "a handsome work."  See also "The Pris6oner from the inside" book below and both books can be ordered together with combined shipping - for details click here.

Prisoner Book: 

THE PRISONER - starring Patrick McGoohan - the cult TV classic from the Sixties, featuring 17 enigmatic episodes.

                Now, with 216 pages of background and production information, the whole series is laid out for investigation: origins, action, plots, publicity, trivia, the Village, music, humour, extracts and conclusions.

          Together with illustrations and commentary, the episodes are revisited as if at the time of production - from the location shoots in Portmeirion, to the final studio work at MGM Borehamwood, in Hertfordshire.

          Everything about THE PRISONER, the ‘alternative’ episodes, Patrick McGoohan’s unique 1967 Prisoner press conference and his own 1983 filmed ‘explanation’ are included.

Written by Roger Langley, author of the Patrick McGoohan biography and other Prisoner publications, this collection of chapters puts the whole history and coverage of the classic TV creation inside one book. The book is available now in Portmeirion and here.

Become a member of Six Of One

Interested in getting our magazine?   Please JOIN Six of One here.

A new 48 page glossy booklet about the history of Portmeirion and its appearance in the TV series "The Prisoner" as the mystery "Village". Written by Roger Langley the chapters include an introduction, the background to Portmeirion being used in The Prisoner, the 1966 and 1967 location filming and differences in appearance. All of the Portmeirion buildings and places are featured, along with the studio sets and backdrops which created a replica for indoor filming. Also included are views of old Portmeirion, maps and charts plus the "Village Map" seen in "The Prisoner".  The new booklet is available from Portmeirion here and the cover is pictured at right.


A sudden flurry of emails asking about the phones (left) used in The Prisoner by No.2 has started up an interesting debate among fans. 

Does anyone know if these were ever on sale commercially in the 1960s and the name of the manufacturer and model?  We think that they might have been corded communications devices at one time.  The other much larger, curved red phone was a prop and the ones shown here might also be props, but they look 'real' . However, there is nothing on the Internet, no pictures etc. and this is unexpected, as old and retro phone images can usually be found somewhere. 

UPDATE: Thanks to all who replied.  It seems that they may very well have been intercom phones of the day. They may have been manufactured in the Netherlands, but the manufacturer name is not known. They came in other colors too!


Membership entitles you to register for our convention weekend and to receive 3 mailings, including our glossy magazine. Also there are souvenir packs at:

Plus, other items can be ordered from

See  for details of the actor's best published biography.

JOIN Six of One, the Official Prisoner Appreciation Society, online.

PRISONER SHOP - the location of ‘The Village’ in The Prisoner is Portmeirion, North Wales, UK. There is a Prisoner shop there which has been operating for many years. There is now also an online shopping service, including many Prisoner items, at

There is also a small selection of Prisoner merchandise at:


This exciting new book is available now!

40th Anniversary Tribute Website

Exclusive look at both the front and back cover of the new Patrick McGoohan biography coming out later this month.  The book has 340 pages, almost 470 pictures (many never-before-published), 12 chapters, 7 appendices, a foreword by Peter Falk, an introduction and text by the author Roger Langley and color covers.  Reviews and Radio Interviews here.

The book can be ordered direct from the publishers at: or from other bookstores and online sellers.

USA Fans:  A great time to join - get fact-filled mailings, with our glossy color magazine, inserts, etc. - plus the FREE Prisoner items detailed below!


We have been discussing Patrick McGoohan's enigmatic TV series since 1977. Join Six of One to receive our glossy magazine and other publications, collect our News Extras and additional inserted free items - all mailed to our worldwide membership. You can attend our Conventions at the series filming location in Portmeirion, Northern Wales UK. Join Six of One instantly online, using PayPal and your credit card. We hope that we will "Be seeing you!" as a member very soon.


"For more than 30 years, it's where people go to discuss The Prisoner."

For the latest coverage of all Prisoner news, consider a membership and subscription to our glossy color magazine.

PRISONER FANS IN THE USA - Now is a great time to join. Get fabulous professionally printed mailings from England including our exclusive member magazine. You can instantly join online using PayPal and your credit card. Plus get FOUR FREE bonus items (shown below).

(LEFT): The Prisoner in Portmeirion book by Roger Langley, available from the Prisoner Shop in Portmeirion.)

Some background information about the series and Six of One.....

Patrick McGoohan's allegorical 1967 television series is studied, analyzed and discussed by our worldwide society of individuals. Get much more out of watching the series by becoming the newest member of Six of One. Start receiving our highly-praised publications, including the only regularly published magazine in the world devoted to The Prisoner. Read exclusive cast and crew interviews, see rare behind-the-scenes photos, share your thoughts with fans worldwide, learn from Six of One seminars, get the latest Prisoner news, download exclusive FREE computer screen-savers, and be eligible to attend our Conventions in Portmeirion - where the series was filmed.

Our society headquarters is in England, and we have long-time representatives in France and the United States. Members around the world receive our packed mailings which include our glossy color magazine - along with our other publications, inserts, brochures and special exclusive members-only offers. By supporting us with a membership, we can continue to work hard for Prisoner fans everywhere.

Six of One is officially recognized as the only worldwide appreciation society for The Prisoner television series and is operated solely with the co-operation of Granada Ventures, Portmeirion and many others closely associated with this remarkable program. Be seeing you!

View all our event dates, past and present, at our new society calendar.


Society Honorary President 1977 - 2009: Patrick McGoohan

Members-only DVD pictured at right...

For the details on the latest Prisoner news and products, join us and receive our member packages mailed directly to your home. Get in on the whole world of The Prisoner.

By joining Six of One, you support our efforts to document and preserve the history of the series. Chances are, if you are a Prisoner fan, you have already benefited from our hard work (pre-broadcast edits, replacement of faulty A&E DVD's due to a bad soundtrack, etc.). So why not join The Prisoner Appreciation Society? You can join instantly online using PayPal and your credit card. US fans are encouraged to see the free items available to them, shown at the bottom of this page.

Introduction To The Prisoner:

What is it all about?

The Prisoner is considered by many to be the most unusual and thought-provoking television series ever made. When it was first shown in England in 1967 there had certainly been nothing like it before and, many would argue, nothing has surpassed it since. The series first aired in the United States on June 1st, 1968 on the CBS network and was repeated in the summer of 1969. Only 16 of the 17 episodes initially aired in the USA, with "Living in Harmony" remaining on the shelf, unaired. This story would get its first US airings in the early 1970's when the boom of UHF broadcast stations made programmers scramble for good programs to air. A recent discovery by Six of One has proved that the 1967 world television premiere of the series was actually in Canada - shortly before the UK airing! This is the kind of detective work that Six of One is famous for. We are responsible for finding the two pre-broadcast edits of the episodes "Arrival" and "The Chimes of Big Ben".

(At left: Free For All magazine cover)

Patrick McGoohan plays a man who resigns from a top secret position and is abducted from his London home. He finds himself in a beautiful village where everything is bright and cheerful - the people, their clothes, the buildings, the flowers. But despite this rosey exterior, the village serves a sinister purpose. People are forcibly brought there in order to have their valuable knowledge protected or extracted. Village residents are assigned a number - the Prisoner is Number Six. Chief interrogator and administrator is Number Two, but he isn't the boss - an unseen Number One is the boss.

Failure is not tolerated in the Village, and most episodes feature a new Number Two, though some are privileged to return for a second chance to break Number Six and discover why he resigned.

The Prisoner struggles to keep this information from his captors and to find out which side runs the Village and where it is. He strives to discover the identity of Number One, and above all, he attempts to escape.

How was the series made?

The Prisoner was made by Everyman Films, a company formed by Patrick McGoohan and David Tomblin, and financed by ITC Entertainment.

Throughout the series, Patrick McGoohan was the executive producer as well as the star, and David Tomblin was frequently the producer. George Markstein, as script editor, provided the writers with some basic facts about the Village and its inhabitants which brought a thread of continuity to each episode.

The imaginative and futuristic sets were designed by art director Jack Shampan and the stirring theme music was written by Ron Grainer.

Patrick McGoohan not only wrote and directed some episodes, but drove everyone else to work as hard as himself. Although exhausted by the experience, most of the crew were proud to have worked on the series and view it as one of the most difficult but satisfying projects they have ever been involved with.

Many talented actors had guest roles in The Prisoner, including Leo McKern, Paul Eddington, Peter Bowles, Eric Portman, Patrick Cargill, George Baker, Mary Morris, Guy Doleman, Rosalie Crutchley and Donald Sinden.

What is Six of One - and why?

It is a trait most peculiar to The Prisoner that after watching the last episode, certain viewers feel a challenge to understand the series and have a desire to learn more about the 17 episodes that have so enthralled them. Many members have said that they thought they were alone in their appreciation of The Prisoner, until they learned of Six of One: The Prisoner Appreciation Society.

Six of One tries in some ways to fill the void that is left when viewers see Number Six speeding down the runway in his Lotus 7 for the last time. People who otherwise may never have come into contact with each other are given the opportunity to exchange views and experiences.

Memorable stories, outstanding cast, beautiful sets and location shooting, The Prisoner is unlike any television series ever made. And Six of One brings it to you in a whole new light.

"It's very cosmopolitan. You never know who you meet next." - Arrival.

What are we known for?

Six of One is known for in-depth coverage of every aspect of this unusual television series. Our members-only magazine features comprehensive interviews with cast members and crew about the making of the episodes. We are known for uncovering previously unknown details about the show and its making. And we are known for sharing this information with our members, who are constantly surprised at the wide variety of articles and photos contained in each issue of our magazine.

The Honorary President of the society was Patrick McGoohan, who responded to the first contact from Six of One with a telegram which read:

"Profoundly grateful to you and the Society for your interest and understanding. Am honored to accept Honorary Presidency. Blessings to you all. Half a dozen of the other. Be seeing you." - Patrick McGoohan

The enduring quality of Six of One comes from the fact that we recognize each individual member's right to interpret the series in his or her own way - or not to bother at all! We provide a forum for debate but at the end of the day everyone makes up his or her own mind. Six of One is run by a number of stalwart members who contribute their spare time to making the society work - from day-to-day administration to stage management of major events such as our Conventions.

There are many local groups within Six of One in Britain, and indeed, the rest of the world, which hold meetings and organize events. You can contact other members in your area by placing a free advertisement in our magazine.

What does Six of One offer?

Six of One has members worldwide, and over the years has produced hundreds of thousands of words about The Prisoner. We have access to the largest archive of material on the series and we share this information with our members.

We publish a professional, high quality magazine which contains many photographs both from the series and taken during production, many never-before-seen, in-depth articles about The Prisoner, interviews with cast and crew, the latest Prisoner-related news and members' views. Information sheets, press cuttings and contests are also included in the package.

Over the past twenty-eight years, well over 50,000 individuals have been members of The Prisoner Appreciation Society.

There must be a reason.

We are the oldest and largest Prisoner organization. We publish the only regularly published magazine in the world devoted to the series. Our magazine is printed using professional standards on slick paper, highlighting the beautifully reproduced photos. Our current journal is entitled "Free For All".

At left: Behind-the-scenes filming.

We are recognized by the copyright holders, Granada Ventures, as well as by Portmeirion ("The Village").

Our much-anticipated member Conventions have received world-wide attention. Our next Convention will be in March 2009. Details about the event are in our member mailings, plus info can be found here:

Join our members in the study of The Prisoner. Find out how we can help you get the most out of this series. The World Wide Web is a wonderful means of communication. But no web site can take the place of a magazine that you can sit down and read, collect and reference time and time again. A magazine written by the most knowledgeable Prisoner authorities on earth - the members of Six of One.

Want even more info? If living in the USA, send a regular business-size SASE (#10 envelope - which is 4 1/8" x 9 1/2"). Put two stamps on this self-addressed, stamped envelope, (three stamps for even more sample pages) and enclose it in another envelope. Send it to:

No longer applicable

We'll return your SASE full of sample articles, interviews, etc.

If, after reading these pages, you get the feeling that Six of One is no ordinary fan club, you'd be right. Here's a quote from Dave Rogers, author and expert on "The Avengers" TV series...

"If all of this sounds too good to be true, or strikes you as being far-removed from the average "fan" organization, it is hardly surprising. Take it from one who knows, there is nothing average about Six of One. Since its inception, the society has signposted the path for others to follow."

- from his book "The Prisoner & Danger Man".

Due to the increasingly poor exchange rate between the US dollar and the British Pound Sterling, I offer these FREE incentives to new US and Canadian members:


1. A FREE No.6 AND No.2 badge refrigerator magnet! A full 2 3/4 inches across. Larger than previous badgesCan be easily made into a pin badge.

2. A FREE full-color Prisoner Promo trading card in archival holder. This card is from the never-released set of Prisoner cards and is the rare "error version" with the incorrectly printed phone number on them. This card has sold on eBay for as much as $20, yet you get one for free by joining Six of One. It even comes in a custom identified "ERROR CARD" top-loading holder for safe-keeping.

3. A FREE full-color MAP AND GUIDE to Portmeirion (The Village). Celebrating its 80th anniversary in the year 2006, this slick-publication opens to reveal over 40 photos showing the buildings, architecture and features of this fantasy resort. Includes a beautiful color aerial photo of the entire Village and detailed map showing all of the many Woodland Walks through the acres of forest.


To receive these FOUR very special FREE offers for joining, new American members can simply send a photocopy of your joining Money Order or copy of PayPal confirmation email along with a business size (#10 envelope - 4 1/8 inches by 9 1/2 inches) SASE with three First Class stamps affixed to it (or just send an International Reply Coupon from Canada) to:

(no longer applicable)



This offer is extended by American Coordinator Bruce Clark (at his own expense) as a THANK YOU to new North American members!


The Prisoner © 2019 Granada Ventures
Used with permission.

Six of One is an informal society formed at the end of 1976 for the appreciation of the television series The Prisoner. Names and addresses of members are held at society headquarers. These details are not passed to third parties and no other data is held. Subscriptions paid online or by post are used mainly for the production and posting of mailings. The names of persons co-ordinating Six of One from time to time appear in the society’s magazines. If any information is required about the society please refer to our society details which are also provided to all new members, or alternatively write with return stamped addressed envelope to latest address provided in the mailings..